Taking manufacturing to the next level with PSL

In our continuing drive to take manufacturing to the next level, we have partnered with PSL on a wide-ranging 5S Project. This relationship will enable us to maximise the productivity of the Beetham Mill site and reduce wastage. In doing so, we hope to create a better working environment, both physically and mentally.

Japanese in origin, 5S was originally a manufacturing method implemented by Toyota which followed five Japanese words beginning with the letter “S”. Today, the system has been translated into English under the terms: Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardise and Sustain.

Following these steps, the ambition will be to continuously eliminate waste from the production process in every form that it might take. Preventing the occurrence of any mistakes, interruptions or accidents.

David Howard, Manufacturing Systems Engineer at Pelta Medical Papers commented:

“This is a very exciting time for us at Pelta Medical Papers and we are determined to use our newfound independence to implement far-reaching changes in the way we operate for the benefit of all our customers and colleagues. The benefits of 5S are very clear and we couldn’t have found a better partner than PSL to guide and support us in its implementation.”

PSL are UK leaders of productivity, efficiency, cost reduction and resource management. A team of passionate productivity specialists with decades of combined experience, they are our top pick for finding achievable and sustainable improvements to the manufacturing process at Pelta Medical Papers.

John Wilde, Managing Director at Productivity Solutions Limited said:

“Whilst relatively at the beginning of their never-ending journey of improvement, PSL are proud to be helping Pelta Medical Papers on their 5S Kaizen Journey.”

“From day 1, the team were eager to deliver step-change improvements to their workplace to ensure a safer, better and more effective working environment for all, resulting in less stress in the workplace, smoother flow, reduced W.I.P., a cleaner and nicer environment, with a reduction in waste and a more predictable result for their customer base.”

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